Support for all affected by adoption

The Permanence Support Team provides support to adoptive families, special guardianship families and birth relatives across the ATV area. We have staff based throughout the region and offer a variety of support services across Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Swindon.


Call 01865 323121

For more information on our services, please select from the dropdown options.

If there is an emergency and anyone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the Police or the safeguarding team in your local area as appropriate.

Oxfordshire: MASH (safeguarding) – 0345 050 7666
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 0800 833 408

Swindon: MASH (safeguarding) - 01793 466903
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01793 436699

Bracknell: MASH (safeguarding) 01344 352005
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543

Wokingham: MASH (Safeguarding) 01635 503090
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543

West Berkshire: MASH (Safeguarding) 01635 503090
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543

RBWM: MASH (safeguarding) 01628 683159
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543

Reading: Single Point of Access (Safeguarding) 0118 937 3641
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543

Contact us

To contact the ATV Permanence Support Team please phone 01865 323121 or email

The Permanence Support Team administrator will respond as quickly as they can. Please do bear with us; we’re working through the challenges of developing our new service and of managing significant demand, but we will respond. Please leave your full name, the local authority where you live, and your contact details (phone and email if possible), to help us respond to you more effectively.

If there is an emergency and if anyone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the Police or the safeguarding team in your local area as appropriate.

Support Plan

If only a simple, one-off service is needed, this may be provided without a formal adoption support plan being drawn up. If, following assessment, there is a need for ongoing adoption support, we will draw up a plan of what services we propose to offer. The plan will be reviewed periodically.


Courses are offered to for adopters approved by us or adopters who live in the Adopt Thames Valley region.

Email us today about the training that’s offered in your area.


The Permanence Support Team run a helpdesk, where a social worker will be available to talk to adoptive parents and special guardians. You can contact us either by telephone, email or by writing to us.  The adoption helpdesk is there to help us help you.

Call 01865 897981

Support Plan

If only a simple, one-off service is needed, this may be provided without a formal adoption support plan being drawn up. If, following assessment, there is a need for ongoing adoption support, we will draw up a plan of what services we propose to offer. The plan will be reviewed periodically.


Course costs are met by Adopt Thames Valley for adopters approved by us and/or for adopters resident in Oxfordshire where their children were adopted more than three years ago. View information of the training we offer.