Support for all affected by adoption
The Permanence Support Team provides support to adoptive families, special guardianship families and birth relatives across the ATV area. We have staff based throughout the region and offer a variety of support services across Oxfordshire, Berkshire and Swindon.
Call 01865 323121
For more information on our services, please select from the dropdown options.
If there is an emergency and anyone is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the Police or the safeguarding team in your local area as appropriate.
Oxfordshire: MASH (safeguarding) – 0345 050 7666
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 0800 833 408
Swindon: MASH (safeguarding) - 01793 466903
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01793 436699
Bracknell: MASH (safeguarding) 01344 352005
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543
Wokingham: MASH (Safeguarding) 01635 503090
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543
West Berkshire: MASH (Safeguarding) 01635 503090
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543
RBWM: MASH (safeguarding) 01628 683159
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543
Reading: Single Point of Access (Safeguarding) 0118 937 3641
EDT (out of hours emergency safeguarding) – 01344 786543